Sprog: Engelsk
270 sider, indb.
De fleste tænker med det samme på Purdey og Holland & Holland fra England når snakken falder på haglbøsser af fineste kvalitet. Nævnes derimod navnet, "Parker Guns" vækker det ikke den store genkendelse, hvilket er en skam, da de er kendt som Amerikas fineste og mest kendte haglbøsser med en lang historie, en historie som bliver gengivet på fineste vis og hæver Parker Guns frem i det lys de fortjener.
Mere info:
The Parker Gun Co. is a never-ending source of interest for collectors of American shotguns. Muderlak takes a refreshing look at the small beginnings, the golden years, and the ultimate decline of what is, no doubt, the most famous of all American shotgun manufacturers. Profusely illustrated with dozens of color photos of Parker guns as well as historical photos in black and white, this well-written and concise text also includes a thorough appendix that lists grades, patents, gun weights, serial numbers, and many other specifications for the Parker enthusiast. Again, he did his own research for these appendixes, and came up with some revealing results. A must-have for the American shotgun enthusiast.