African Hunter II

African Hunter II

1.198,00 DKK

Craig Boddington og Peter Flack (red.). * Det store standardværk over jagt og vildt i Afrika. Bl.a. beskrivelser af 25 jagtlande, grundig gennemgang af 228 kendte og mindre kendte vildtarter samt en lang række jagtbeskrivelser, bl.a. af Rudolf Sand.

Varenr.: ANT-AFR-0123T54OMC2
Lagerstatus: På lager


Alt hvad du nogensinde behøver at vide om jagten i Afrika er samlet i denne fantastiske bog på over 500 gennemillustrerede sider i storformat.
25 jagtlande er udførligt beskrevet, og det samme er over 200 vildtarter og en masse spændende og relevante praktiske facts.
For hvert land er der desuden en udvalgt jagtberetning, der gør, at der også er mange timers underholdende læsning gemt i bogen.
Bogen rummer faglige og fortællende bidrag af kapaciteter som Rudolf Sand, Gregor Woods, Piet Hougaard, Volker Grellmann, Geoff Broom, Robin Hurt, Tony Dyer, Franz Wegnert, Mike Murray, Tony Sanchez,, Warren Parker, Reinald von Meurers, Beth Jones og Steve Christenson.

603 sider, storformat, orig. helbind.
Over 500 fotos og talrige figurer og kort i farver.
Stand som ny.

There is a total of twenty-five countries covered, with thorough in-depth overviews of their hunting areas, background information, and best times to hunt. Then we cover the game animals: It includes all the Big Five (lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino, and elephant); the nine spiral-horn antelope; game indigenous to only one region; game indigenous to most regions; the rarities; the plains game, and so on all game animals throughout the entire African continent are given meticulous attention. A total of 228 different African animals are covered. There are hunting stories from each country that highlight hunting the game found in that particular area - these are thrilling stories written by people who have hunted and lived in the area for long periods of time. Moreover, you will read exciting stories of giant tuskers in Tanzania, huge leopards, obnoxious buffalo, a double on large maned lions, and a surprisingly nimble giant rhino. But the book goes beyond that with chapters on medical preparations, booking a safari, the rules, and the rifles for Africa; there is even a detailed checklist of game animals, country by country. You will also find detailed maps and numerous sidebars with immediate, at your fingertips information. In addition to the editors, a total of more than two-dozen contributors, too many to list all, endeavored to make this book the most complete it could be: The names include Gregor Woods, Tony Tomkinson, Joe Coogan, Rolf Rohwer, Piet Hougaard, Volker Grellmann, Geoff Broom, Robin Hurt, Rudolf Sand, Tony Dyer, Franz Wegnert, Mike Murray, Tony Sanchez, Rudy Lubin, Angelo Dacey, Warren Parker, Reinald von Meurers, Beth Jones, and Steve Christenson. With over 500 full-color pages, hundreds of photographs, and updated tables on animals and where they are available, this is THE book to consult for the information on Africa today, and it is sure to become the industry "standard" for years to come. Foreword by Robin Hurt. Introduction by James Mellon.