SAFARI Magazine is an award-winning, four-color, perfect-bound, coffee table-style magazine, published seven times a year for SCI members. It presents a broad mix of articles from around the world about conservation, hunting, travel, equipment, education and membership news. Contributing authors include leading outdoor writers, wildlife biologists, government leaders and doctors, supported visually by unsurpassed photography from some of the world's preeminent wildlife photographers.
23 velholdte hefter af årgangene 2002-2007 (begge inkl.). Dvs. ikke en komplet samling, men masser af spændende læsestof for den safari-interesserede.
SAFARI Magazine is an award-winning, four-color, perfect-bound, coffee table-style magazine, published seven times a year for SCI members. It presents a broad mix of articles from around the world about conservation, hunting, travel, equipment, education and membership news. Contributing authors include leading outdoor writers, wildlife biologists, government leaders and doctors, supported visually by unsurpassed photography from some of the world's preeminent wildlife photographers.
23 velholdte hefter af årgangene 2002-2007 (begge inkl.). Dvs. ikke en komplet samling, men masser af spændende læsestof for den safari-interesserede.