Men for all Seasons - and Legendary Ladies

Men for all Seasons - and Legendary Ladies

798,00 DKK

Tony Dyer * Den ultimative bog om Afrikas professionelle jægere, udgivet af Rowland Ward i Sydafrika. Masser af viden og spændende livsbeskrivelser.

Varenr.: ANT-AFR0323exOMC61j
Lagerstatus: På lager


"This book is the story of the people who are the principal actors on the great stage of the safari scene: the professional hunters". 

Læs de spændende beretninger om Philip Percival, Bill Judd, Bror von Blixen, Alan Black, Andy Anderson, Bill Ryan, the Cottars, Myles Turner, David Sheldrick, Rene Babault, Don Bousfield, Boyce Roberts and Ken Clark. In addition there is much on Arthur Neumann, R.J. Cuninghame, Jack Riddell, Tony Archer, Pat Ayre, Donald Ker, Robert Foran, Tony Henley, Harry Selby, J.A. Hunter Fritz Schindelar, F.C. Selous og John Sutton

300 sider, indb.
Rigt ill. med originale s/h fotos